ChatGPT client
Cross-platform app to engage with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo model using the official API and Chat Completions endpoint. Note: Although this model is optimized for Natural Language processing/inference, it can also take on more complex tasks such as code processing & generation.
Tech used
- SwiftUI
- GPT-3.5 Turbo
- Swift 5.5 Structured Concurrency
Requirements & Minimum deployments
- Xcode 14
- OpenAI account (for API Key)
- iOS 16.4 and macOS 13.2
- Sole Developer
Android app to log workout activities with voice commands or manual input and track progress
Tech used
- Google Services
- Android Studio
- Cloud Firestore
- Firebase
- Java
Special Feautures
- User authentication
- Speech recognition
- Progress charts
- Notifications
- Contributor (4 total)
Automated grading-tool for C/C++ programming assignments and a flashcard study tool for mentors and students
Tech used
- ASP.NET Core
- JavaScript
- C#
Special Feautures
- Color code cards based on difficulty
- CRUD functionality
- Can apply filters
- Contributor (11 total)
Twitter clone
Simple Twitter client that uses 3-legged OAuth, and allows users to tweet, like, and retweet.
Tech used
- Swift
- The Twitter API
Special Feautures
- Users can refresh feed
- Users can compose a tweet
- Users can favorite a tweet
- Users can retweet a tweet
- Sole developer
Touch Type
Lightweight typing practice application for macOS!
Tech used
- Swift, AppKit, NSView, Core Graphics
Special Feautures
- Custom Practice Input
- Words per Minute calculation
forthcoming features
- Data persistance(Core Data): save custom practice sets
- Preset practice lessons for touch typing
- Preset practice lessons for code typing
- Multiple keyboard layout options
- Typing sound effects
- Sole Developer
Face detection/recognition
Python scripts that use AI/deep learning for face detection and recognition tasks.
Please note that while the terms "face detection" and "face recognition" may appear similar, they have distinct aims:
Face detection: determine the bounding boxes or regions of interest where faces are present.
Face Recognition: identify and verify the identity of individuals (often in real time) based on their facial features and pre-existing data
Tech used
- Python
- OpenCV
- Haar Cascades algorithm
- The face_recognition api
- Sole developer
Object Identifier
iOS application that utilizes cutting-edge Machine Learning technologies to achieve precise object classification within camera frames or images.
The app leverages the ResNet-50 model for its strong object recognition capabilities and its effective handling of the vanishing gradients problem.
Tech used
- Sole developer
Apple Health Data Export
Apple's HealthKit has powerful capabilities for monitoring various health and fitness
markers, ranging from common measures like step count,
to performance-specific metrics such as VO2Max. It even
provides valuable insights into potential predispositions or early signs of delicate medical conditions through indicators like Atrial Fibrillation Burden.
Whether you're interested in outliers in your health or simply keeping a record of your fitness progress, there may come a time when you need to export specific portions of this data. While the "export.xml" file can be overwhelming, extracting from your data doesn't have to be.
Tech used
- Apple Health app, Python, Pandas, HealthKit
Checkout a calendar view of my workouts logged for 2023 thus far. *Disclaimer : UI still in progress*
- Sole Developer
Photo Viewer
Simple iOS application for viewing photo's stored in a table view (built for practicing iOS development fundamentals).
We use the dequeueReusableCell method for when new cells need to be displayed on the screen.
Instead of creating a new cell for each item, which can be resource-intensive, the dequeueReusableCell method allows us to reuse existing cells that are no longer visible on the screen.
Tech used
- Swift
- UIKit
This project comes from the HackingWithSwift's original 100daysofswift modules
- Sole Developer
A Journal Entries application for iOS.
Data persistence is achieved through UserDefaults.
Created for reviewing iOS development fundamentals.
Tech used
- Swift
- UIKit
- UserDefaults
Special Feautures
- Add entries
- Edit entries
- Delete entries
- Sole Developer
Silent Auction Bidder App
Small scale real world application for bidding that incorporates a database, user authentication, data encryption, network/socket programming, and role based access control using third party python libraries.
Tech used
- Python, Flask, Sqlite3
Libraries, modules, frameworks
- Pandas
- Crypto
- Hashlib
- Socketserver
- Sole developer
Smart Maze
Maze vizualizer that uses different algorithms to solve a maze and show its path.
Tech used
- Python
Algorithms used
- A* search
- Greedy Search
- Random Search
- Depth First search
- Breadth First search
- Hill climbing algorithm
- Hill climbing with random restarts
- Sole developer
Flix is an iOS app that allows users to browse through a catalog of movies now playing from The Movie Database API.
Tech used
- Swift
- UIKit
- The Movie Database API
Special Feautures
- User can view and scroll through a list of movies now playing in theaters
- User can tap a tab bar button to view a grid layout of Movie Posters using a CollectionView
- User can tap a cell to see more details about a particular movie
- Sole developer
Instagram clone app with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comments!
Tech used
- Swift
- JavaScript
- Parse Backend
Special Feautures
- User Authentication
- Upload photos, comment, refresh feed.
- Sole developer
Party Supplies
iOS app, where you and your friends share a list of stuff needed for a party (like different snacks, different drinks, glow sticks, etc) and each person can sign up to bring one.
Tech used
- Swift
- JavaScript
Special Feautures
- Send friend requests
- User authentication
- Contributor (3 total)
Select School projects:
- Tiny Unix Shell
- XV6 Kernel hacking
- MIPS Assembler & Simulator
- Cache simulator
- Network Packet Analysis: Wireshark and TCPView
- Installing interconnected servers: Microsoft and Linux/Unix